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What are the voltage requirements for the ScreenPRO600?2024-06-12T00:20:32+00:00

a.208/230V, 1ph, 10A, 50/60Hz

Does the ScreenPRO600 require compressed air?2024-06-12T00:20:48+00:00

No, the ScreenPRO600 has no pneumatic components.

What is the smallest doorway the ScreenPRO600 will fit through?2024-06-12T00:21:06+00:00

The ScreenPRO600 fully assembled needs a 60” doorway.

Is the ScreenPRO600 compatible with my pre-registration system?2024-06-12T00:21:34+00:00

The ScreenPRO600 is compatible with most 3 point registration systems.

If other pre-registration systems are used it is possible that we can customize the ScreenPRO600 to accommodate them.

Does the ScreenPRO600 use special ink?2024-06-12T00:21:52+00:00

Yes, because there are a wide variety of emulsions available today, we have designed special proprietary inks for this application.

What kind of training is available for the ScreenPRO600?2024-06-12T00:22:09+00:00

AIT will send a technician into your facility to install the unit and train your staff on all aspects of its operation.

What can we expect for through put from the ScreenPRO600?2024-06-12T00:22:24+00:00

The ScreenPRO600 will produce 350-400 screens per 8 hour shift.

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